Holy Days Timeline

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Holy Days

March 23

Spring New Moon (New Year)

Spring New Moon (New Year)
The Spring New Moon marks the beginning of the Hebrew year!
April 5


Passover begins in the evening of the 14th day of the first month. During this feast we celebrate the first exodus and our beloved Passover Lamb, Yahawashi!  
April 6

Feast of Unleavened Bread

Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of the first month, and ends on the 21st day of the first month.
May 26

Feast of First Fruits (Pentecost)

Feast of First Fruits (Pentecost)
The Feast of First Fruits is 50 days or seven sabbaths plus one day after the end of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
June 22

Summer New Moon

Malachi and Koala hanging out by the lake
It’s summertime! Go outside and play!
September 21

Fall New Moon

Koha, Malachi, and Koala playing in the autumn leaves
It’s officially fall! Time to go leaf diving!
September 21

Memorial Blowing of the Trumpets

three men of God blowing ram's horns
In addition to the Fall New Moon, today also marks the Memorial Blowing of the Trumpets! This is a holy day on which we get to make a joyful noise, and sound the alarm, according to the Word of Yahawah!
September 29

Day of Atonement

bright kitchen with a banner that reads "closed for the day of atonement"
This holy day begins in the evening, and lasts for one day. For this day, we pray and fast. That means we don’t eat for 24 hours. Let your mother and father decide if this form of fasting is safe for you. 🙂
October 5

Feast of Tabernacles

Songs of Koha crew camping
The Feast of Tabernacles is an exciting eight day feast. What makes it so special? Camping! That’s right, The Most High actually commanded us to camp for this feast (“dwell in booths”)! Get your tents ready!
December 14

Feast of Dedication (Lights)

Israelite family lighting a menorah
The Feast of Dedication is an eight day feast to help us remember our victory over the Greeks, who overtook the holy city and defiled The Most High’s holy temple. For each day of this feast, we light a menorah, a lamp with seven candlesticks.
December 21

Winter New Moon

This holy day marks the first day of winter. Bring on the hot chocolate! This is also the last day of the Feast of Dedication.
March 4

Feast of Purim

Feast of Purim
This is a two day holy feast to help us remember our deliverance from the wicked plans of Haman under King Ahaseurus, a Persian king, to wipe out the nation of Israel. For this feast, not only do we eat well, we exchange gifts with each other to celebrate! Are there any toys you’ve been wanting?

Sabbath Day – Saturday
Spring New Moon/New Year – March 23
Passover – April 5 (at even)
Feast of Unleavened Bread – April 6-12
Feast of First Fruits (Pentecost) – May 26
Summer New Moon – June 22
Fall New Moon,
Memorial Blowing of Trumpets
– September 21
Day of Atonement – September 29 (even to even)
Feast of Tabernacles – October 5-12
Feast of Dedication – December 14-21
Winter New Moon – December 21
Feast of Purim – March 3-4

Sabbath Day – Sunday
Spring New Moon/New Year – March 23
Passover – April 5 (at even)
Feast of Unleavened Bread – April 6-12
Feast of First Fruits (Pentecost) – May 26
Summer New Moon – June 22
Fall New Moon,
Memorial Blowing of Trumpets
– September 21
Day of Atonement – September 29 (even to even)
Feast of Tabernacles – October 5-12
Feast of Dedication – December 14-21
Winter New Moon – December 21
Feast of Purim – March 3-4

  • time

    Gregorian date:

    Thursday March 27, 2025



    Day of week


    Day of Month





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