Paleo Hebrew Dictionary
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A | |
Anger | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "ah-f" Other meanings: Nostrils, nose, face Strong's number: H639 |
Ant | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "nah-mah-LAH" Plural: Strong's number: H5244 |
Arm | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "zah-rah-why" Other meanings: Forearm, shoulder, strength Strong's number: H2220 |
Astonishment | |
Aunt | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "dah-dah-th" Strong's number: H1733 |
B | |
Back | Noun Pronunciation: "ah-ko-WAHR" Other meanings: Backward, behind Strong's number: H268 |
Bat | |
Bear | Noun Masculine, feminine Pronunciation: "dah-WAHB" Strong's number: H1677 Plural: |
Bee | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "dah-BAR" Strong's number: H1682 Plural: |
Bird | Noun Feminine Other Meanings: Fowl, sparrow Pronunciation: "tsah-pah-WAHR" Strong's number: H6833 |
Blood | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "dah-m" Other meanings: Blood of wine Strong's number: H181 |
Blue | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "thah-ka-lath" Other meanings: Violet, violet fabric Strong's number: H8504 |
Book | Noun Masculine/Feminine Pronunciation: "sah-FAR" Other meanings: Letter, legal document Strong's number: H5612 |
Bottle | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "ko-MAH-th" Other meanings: Waterskin Strong's number: H2573 |
Bowels, womb | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "mai-yee" Other meanings: Internal organs, inward parts, womb Strong's number: H4578 |
Brass | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "nah-ko-SHATH" Other meanings: Copper, bronze Strong's number: H5178 |
Brick | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "lah-ban-AH" Other meanings: Tile Strong's number: H3843 |
Brother | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "Ah-k" Other meanings: Brethren Strong's number: H251 |
C | |
Camel | Noun Masculine/feminine Pronunciation: "gah-MAH-L" Strong's number: H1581 |
Cave | |
Cousin (aunt's daughter) | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "dah-dah-th-BAH-th" Strong's number: n/a |
Cousin (aunt's son) | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "dah-dah-th-BAH-n" Strong's number: n/a |
Cousin (uncle's daughter) | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "dah-d-BAH-th" Strong's number: n/a |
Cousin (uncle's son) | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "dah-d-BAH-n" Strong's number: n/a |
Cow | |
Crimson | |
Cup | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "kah-WAH-S" Other meanings: Owl (masculine) Strong's number: H3563 |
D | |
Daughter | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "ban-WATH" Plural: Other meanings: Girl, granddaughter Strong's number: H1323 |
Desert | |
Dog | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "kah-LAH-B" Plural: Strong's number: H3611 |
Donkey | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "ko-MAR" Strong's number: H2543 |
Door | |
Dove | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "yah-wah-NAH" Other meanings: Pigeon Strong's number: H3123 |
E | |
Ears | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "ah-ZAH-N" Other meanings: Audience, hearing Strong's number: H241 |
Earth (creation, country) | |
Earth (soil) | |
Eight | |
Eighth | |
Enemy | Noun Pronunciation: "ah-wah-YAH-B" Plural: Strong's number: H341 |
Eye | Noun Pronunciation: "a-ee-YAH-N" Other meanings: Sight, fountain Plural: Strong's number: H5869 |
Eyebrows | Noun Pronunciation: "gah-BAH-TH , a-ee-YAH-N" Strong's number: H1354, H5869 |
F | |
Father | Noun Masculine Strong's number: H1 |
Father-in-law (husband's side) | Noun Masculine Strong's number: H2524 |
Father-in-law (wife's side) | Other meanings: Law, to give a daughter in marriage Strong's number: H2859 |
Fifth | |
Finger | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "AH-tsah-BAH-ee" Strong's number: H676 |
Firmament | |
First | |
Fish | |
Five | Noun Masculine/Feminine Pronunciation: ko-MAH-sh Other meanings: Fifth Strong's number: H2568 |
Flour | |
Flower | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "tsah-YAH-ts" Strong's number: H6731 |
Food | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "mah-KAH-l" Other meanings: Fruit, meat Strong's number: H3978 |
Foot | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "rah-GAH-l" Other meanings: Feet, footstool Strong's number: H7272 |
Four | Masculine/Feminine noun, adjective Pronunciation: ah-rah-ba-ee-AH Other meanings: Fourth, forty Strong's number: H702 |
Fourth | |
Friend | m: f: |
Frog | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: sah-far-ah-DA-EE Plural: Strong's number: H6854 |
G | |
Garden | Noun Pronunciation: GAH-n Strong's number: H1588 |
Gold | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: zah-HAH-b Other meanings: Golden Strong's number: H2091 |
Grass, herbs | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: dah-SHAY Strong's number: H1877 |
Grass (cut down) | |
Grasshopper | |
H | |
Hair | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "sh-IRE" Strong's number: H8181 |
Hand | Noun Feminine Pronunciation: "YAH-d" Plural: Strong's number: H3027 |
Hate | |
Head | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "ra-AH-SH" Other meanings: Top, beginning, chief Plural: Strong's number: H7218 |
Heaven, sky | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "sha-mah-YAH-M" Other meanings: Air Strong's number: H8064 |
Helmet | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "kah-wah-BAH-EE" Plural: Strong's number: H3553 |
Horse | Noun Masculine Pronunciation: "sa-WAH-SS" Plural: Strong's number: H5483 |
Husband | |
I | |
Iron | |
J | |
Jealousy | |
Joy | |
K | |
King | |
Knife | |
L | |
Lamb | |
Lamp | |
Left-handed | |
Leg, thigh or calf | |
Light | |
Lion | |
Love (v) | |
M | |
Man | or |
Mankind | |
Moon | |
Mother | |
Mountain | |
Mouth | |
N | |
Neighbor | m: f: |
Nose, nostrils | |
O | |
One | |
Ox | |
P | |
Pigeon | |
Priest | |
Prisoner | |
Prophet | m: f: |
Purple | |
Q | |
Queen | |
R | |
Rain | |
Rainbow | |
Raven | |
River | |
Red | |
Ring | |
Rope, cord | |
S | |
Sand | |
Sea | |
Second | |
Serpent, snake | |
Servant, slave | |
Seven | |
Shepherd | |
Shield | |
Silver | |
Sister | |
Six | |
Sixth | |
Snow | |
Son | |
Sorrow | |
Spoon | |
Stars | |
Stomach, belly | |
Stone | |
Stork | |
Stranger, sojourner | |
Sun | |
Swine, boar | |
Sword | |
T | |
Table | |
Teeth | |
Third | |
Three | |
Throne, seat | |
Tongue | or |
Tree | |
Two | |
U | |
Uncle | |
V | |
Valley (narrow) | |
Valley (open) | |
W | |
Warrior (lit. "man of war") | |
White | |
Wife | |
Wind | |
Witch | |
Woman | |
X | |
Y | |
Z | |
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